
Renders Svelte components for emails. Inlines styles and renders additional plain text version.

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Current release v0.1.0
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Renders Svelte components for emails. Inlines styles and renders additional plain text version.



Run npm i --save svelte-mail.


Simply pass a Svelte component and some options:


<script>export let user;</script>

<style>strong { color: red }</style>

<strong>Hello, {user}</strong>


import { renderMail } from 'svelte-mail';
import Mail from './components/Mail.svelte';

async function sendMail() {
  const { html, text } = await renderMail(Mail, { data: { user: 'World' } });

    `html` contains the rendered html string:
    "<strong style="color: red">Hello, World</strong>"

    `text` contains the rendered plain text message:
    "Hello, World"

  // TODO: Send mail, e.g. using nodemailer...


Note: The mail component must be compiled for server side rendering.


Internally, this module uses juice to inline styles and html-to-text to render plain text messages. All options passed to the renderMail function will be passed to them:

renderMail(Mail, {
  data: {},
  // add any juice options here, e.g.:
  extraCss: 'strong { text-decoration: underline }',
  // add any html-to-text options here, e.g.:
  uppercaseHeadings: false,